Where to Buy Gemstones Near Seattle
Energy Work, Self-Care, Uncategorized

“Where can I buy gemstones near Seattle?” A guide to some of my favorite local shops.

where to buy gemstones

Photo courtesy of Kira auf der Heide

Want to buy gemstones but need to try holding them first? Buy local.

When I first moved to Seattle I remembered thinking, “Where are all the gem stores?” It took me a while to find all the hidden treasure – but it’s there, if you know where to look! Shopping local is a win-win, as it supports our local economy and allows you to choose the right stone for you. Here are some of my favorite places to buy gemstones near Seattle:

NW Crystals

This small shop in Ballard is run by women; and they are really lovely people! It’s obvious how much they love their stones — and that’s uniquely what they sell. They offer some unusual and beautiful pieces (hello, black moonstone!). Their selection is mostly on the small to medium size. Want to support local, women- and POC-owned business? Buy gemstones here first. (Also, they run a really good sale that is often unannounced online unless you’ve been in the store and heard it from the owners first….)

Gem Heaven

I think I’ve gotten lost trying to find this place every time I’ve gone there. Even now I can’t completely tell you the easiest path to finding it. I know I take the stairs next to the ‘fish’ stand at the Market, and then head down… two flights? And out towards the south-east side of the market. Almost before getting to the door to the outside, the shop is on the north-east side of the corridor. Maybe don’t follow my directions so I don’t get you lost either! This is also a pretty small shop but it’s cram-packed! They’ve got jewelry and pocket stones, as well as some really nice medium-sized specimens. The owner is very knowledgable and happy to talk shop with you. The prices are pretty reasonable for Seattle as well.

Zenith Supply

You’d never expect to find such a varied selection in a massage supply store – but, there it is! They’ve got a lot of small to medium pieces, and, if I recall correctly, some jewelry as well. They also have some stone candleholders and salt lamps.

Agate Designs

If you’re looking for larger pieces, or some quite refined jewelry pieces, this is your shop! They also have bins in the front of some really nice pocket to slightly-larger sized stones. Their selenite and some of their other pieces are well-priced; but many of items will cost you a pretty penny.

East West Bookstore

Another surprising one – to find gemstones in a bookstore; but, there they are! The prices here are also on the steeper side; but their selection is growing. And it’s good to know they often have a Chinook book coupon that will get you 20% off. And if you join their newsletter or attend a number of their seminars/classes, you’ll also get coupons in your inbox or while you’re there. They have a lot of pocket stones, some very nice medium-sized pieces, and a varied selection of gemstone pendulums. I got my rose quartz that’s in the office there – and everyone comments on how lovely it is!

Jerry’s Rock and Gem

If you’re ready to buy a honker of a jewelry piece, or some nice slabs of rock, this is your shop! It’s a bit of a journey from Seattle – but well worth it! Jewelry is quite expensive, but the small rock and large slab selection is unusual and great.

Earthlight Gems

I’ll admit I haven’t made it out to this store in Kirkland; but I hope to one day in the near future. So, I’m adding it for anyone who might be interested to take the trip out there!

Where do you buy gemstones in Seattle?

Did I miss a place you’d suggest? Let me know in the comments!

Animal communicators on eating meat
Energy Work, Self-Care

Eating Meat Dos and Don’ts: Animal Communicators Respond

Animal communicators on eating meat

Photo by Benjamin Faust

Views on eating meat

As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I have been told many, many times by my teachers and colleagues to personally eat meat; and I’ve been told that eating meat is the only healthy lifestyle. (Full disclosure: I cut out red meat when I was 17, fish when I was 22 and white meat when I was 25. So, it’s been awhile that I’ve been ‘breaking the rules’!) It’s a topic that I take great interest in, and research. Like most things, I try to be as open-minded as possible, listening for what’s needed on an individual and timely basis. I do not suggest that all my patients eat meat or not eat meat.

That all said, there may be a number of you that sit with the same question I do: Is it healthier or not to eat some meat? Is it tenable to be vegetarian or vegan with leaky gut, autoimmune or other health concerns? I know these are very uncomfortable questions; and that they are not always met with tenderness and curiosity. Sometimes, reading about these topics can be more helpful than talking it out online or with friends. There is certainly enough material on the subject out there on health-related topics. So, I won’t go into all of that. Personally, I was/am much more interested in what animal communicators have to say on the subject.

What do animal communicators think about eating meat?

35+ animal communicators share their experience

In this excellent article, “VEGETARIAN OR OMNIVORE? This is the Question” you’ll get a very good sense of the broad opinions within the field. It doesn’t spoil anything to say, there is no clear cut answer, no hard shoulds among able to communicate with animals. That said, by and large there seem to be some movements towards the thoughts:

  • animals understand [and are at peace with the fact that] we’re all animals eating each other in this world (and we ought to as well)
  • we’re *all* One-Consciousness — plant, animal, etc; so it’s not about who eats whom, but what love and respect we share for one another
  • it’s not the eating of animals that is problematic, but the treatment of them while they are alive
  • vegetarianism/veganism is the [human] inevitable movement towards higher consciousness

What do animals say about eating meat?//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js
[perfectpullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”lightgrey” class=”” size=”30″]”Some really appreciate being able to nourish others with their bodies, …”[/perfectpullquote]

What do animals say about eating meat?

I especially appreciated this article by animal communicator Nancy Windheart, “Vegetarian or Omnivore?” in which she reports back on what animals have to say on the subject. For some reason this line hit me quite hard: “Some really appreciate being able to nourish others with their bodies, and know that they can return after their deaths to another type of body and life experience if they choose.” It brings up big questions for me around what I am willing to accept and take in, aware of the expense to others.

A request: Release judgment, invite curiosity

I hope it can be recognized that everything we do, we do in service of our values. While our needs are universal, different ones can surface as more immediately important to us than others. No matter what someone chooses to ingest, may we recognize they do so for a reason that is meaningful to them. May we choose to learn about and respect those values, as well as our own. May we also be curious and learn to be discriminating in the strategies we choose for living out those values.

A personal request

If you do eat meat, do you say a prayer/bless the food beforehand? Would you be willing to share your blessing here in the comments for others? Thank you for considering!

Crystals and Gemstones, Oh My!
Energy Work, Self-Care

Crystal Spirit Guides: How and Why to Work with Gemstones as Allies

“It’s an honor to be a caretaker for crystals. Treat them as you would dear friends; in other words nurture and respect them. Their support strengthens your ability to realize the essence of universal wisdom.” Virtue & Lukomski, Crystal Therapy

[wproto_divider style=”gap”]

What’s a Crystal Ally?

When it comes to energy medicine, everything alive is medicine. We can equally learn from members of the animal kingdom, as we can from the plant or mineral kingdom. A crystal ally, therefore, is an umbrella term used to denote any crystal, mineral, rock or gemstone spirit guide. For the purpose of this article, I will use the terms “crystal ally” and “gemstones” interchangeably to speak to guides from this larger mineral kingdom (likely much to the chagrin of geologists everywhere, ha!).

Why work with gemstones?

As I mentioned in the first of this short series on spirit guides, working with any guide is about learning a new quality of being. And nothing grows quite like a crystal! When folks wonder why one might work with gemstones as opposed to animals or plant medicine, that is my answer. Think about it: How long does it take for a stone to form? What tremendous strain does it endure – pressure and heat – to come into being? If you’re looking for unique resilience, stability, strength,  power, and beauty – stones are your answer. Stones are your medicine.

Let’s look at an example: Obsidian


Beautiful Volcanic Glass: Obsidian


How do gemstones form?Obsidian is one of my favorite stones for helping give people the sense of spaciousness when dealing with intimidating or fearful experience. To better understand why this might be the case, we can start by reflecting on the rock’s life experience. How did it form? What did it have to endure and master?

Technically, obsidian is a type of volcanic glass. It’s formed when hot lava cools too quickly to form a crystalline structure. As a result, obsidian’s texture is smooth; and the rock typically forms above the earth’s surface. To give you a more palpable sense of its ‘nurturing’ environment, let’s remember what a volcanic eruption looks like (see: photo).

Yea. So, that happened. 😉 Seriously, though — can you imagine what quality of being one would have to possess in order to feel calm under that level of pressure, heat, and smoke? Looking at these conditions of growth, we also start to understand why obsidian might also be helpful for clearing ‘psychic smog’ in addition to helping ground one’s fear and anger.

How to Choose Your Crystal Ally?

In my experience, many times, stones choose us. We’ll catch it out of the corner of our eye and simply feel drawn to it. We may not know why at first; but we feel interested. In those cases, I’ve found it’s best to just say “yes!” and learn about the stone later. But certainly, you can also go backwards and look up properties of stones or which stones resonate with a particular chakra’s energy. In those cases, however, I’d suggest you try holding the stone before committing to working with it to see if it resonates with you. Even within a container of many polished stones of the same gemstone, there may be one individual piece that resonates with you more than another. Allow yourself to explore and feel.

How do I know if a stone is resonating with me?

When you come into contact with a resonant ally, it might feel like things sliding into place– like the feeling of being with an old and good friend. Or maybe you might feel excited in a positive way– like finally starting the adventure you’d been waiting for. If your extrasensory perception is more developed, you might notice the stone telling you quite directly it’s been waiting and is (happily) ready to work with you. They can also be quite direct in letting you know when they’re waiting to work with someone else. In this case, we can express our gratitude for its coming to our attention, its beauty and wisdom; and move on confidently that our ally is waiting for us elsewhere.

What’s the best way to work with gemstones?

There is no right way to work with gemstones; but there are certainly many options! Regardless of what method you choose, you’ll always want to clear your stone of any lower vibrational energy before using it. Remember that part of your stone’s history may have been its traveling through the hands of many other people before getting to you. Cleansing your stone helps to clear it of any energetic residue left from those individuals’ experience. Think of it like an energetic dusting. (You’ll also want to cleanse your stone regularly based on how much you use it.)

When you’re ready to work with your crystal ally, you might consider working with your ally in any one or more of the following methods:

Carry your Stone

Tumbled gemstone pebbles arpThis is how I got started. This is largely an subconscious way to work with a crystal ally. You just clean your stone, set your intention to receive the stone’s assistance with [xyz], carry it on your person [either in your pocket or as jewelry] and simply invite its wisdom.

This is great if you need more physical support or if you’d like more active, ongoing support. For example, you might carry hematite in your pocket throughout the day if you had trouble staying grounded. Or, you might consider wearing an aquamarine necklace if you wanted ongoing support for the throat chakra in building trust, ease, and the courage to speak your truth. If you’ve been working on an affirmation using a gemstone mala, continuing to wear your beads throughout the day is a great way to extend the benefit of your practice. Any stone is a good candidate for carrying on your person.

Sleep with Your Crystal

2008-04-12 Freilichtmuseum Detmold (12)This would be another largely subconscious practice of working with gemstones, but no less effective! Just as you would carrying a stone, you’d always start by clearing your stone energetically, setting your intention for working with the ally, and welcoming its support. Reasons to sleep with your stone may include to reduce nightmares, to protect your energetic space while you [astrally] travel, to deepen sleep, or to invite lessons through dreamwork. (It’s helpful to keep a journal next to your bed if you’re inviting dreamwork!)

Some examples of stones that are helpful to sleep with include moonstone, rose quartz, prehnite, labradorite, and danburite. I remember when I was going through a particularly stress time in my life, I found sleeping with a huge chunk of rose quartz was the only thing that could get me to calm down enough to fall asleep. What a gift!

Meditate on Your Ally

Labradorite detailAll stones make for a great meditation partner! We can consciously meditate on stones to better under their way of being and medicine. We can also meditate with our crystal spirit guide in order to see our experience more clearly in times of doubt or confusion. Lastly, some meditate with stones simply to improve their psychic and mental activity. Remember to always clean your stones and set your intention before meditating. You can connect with eyes open or closed, gazing into the stone or simply holding the stone in your hands as you slip into the astral plane for guidance.

This method of working with stones, I’d say, is better for folks whose extrasensory perception is more developed. In my experience, working with stones in this manner is not unlike lucid dreaming in which even inanimate matter can speak and point to insight. You do not need a physical stone to meditate on a crystal ally; however, I have found a direct physical connection does deepen meditation and learning. Stones that aid with insight are particularly great to meditate with, such as clear quartz, labradorite, dumortierite, or fluorite.

Take an Elixir

This would be an internal method of stimulating change, by using a gem essence or elixir. This is essentially a ‘decoction’ of the stone, either directly or indirectly. I don’t recommend folks try making their own without proper training as some gemstones are toxic. Even when elixirs are made indirectly (e.g. placing a toxic stone in a glass container that is then placed in the water that will later be consumed), the medicine is quite strong. For this reason, I’d suggest sticking to very few remedies from a reliable source or asking a qualified professional for their recommendation.

Thank Your Crystal Ally

Love propels the universe. If you’ve benefited from working with a stone, let it know. In the world of energy work, appreciation goes a long way!

Has there been a stone whose wisdom has been particularly meaningful for you? How did it find you? I welcome your story in the comments section!

Peacock Animal Totem
Energy Work, Reiki

Animal Spirit Guides: How and Why to Work with an Animal Ally

“All things on Earth Mother and all things in the Universe are capable of being Spirit Guides. Why? Because the Spirit of the Creator is in all things.” Source: Manataka American Indian Council

Peacock Animal Totem
What’s an Animal Ally?

What a great question! Some would say that an animal spirit guide is the same as a power animal or animal totem. They’re not. If you’re not Native, the terms and ideas of “power animals,” “animal totems” and “spirit animals” do not apply. For us, we can think of it like inspiration – the mirror of qualities within us ready to be birthed, or released– an invitation to expand our understanding of ourselves and the great unknown. It may be interesting to learn the Manataka differentiate between animal allies, naming those that come into our life as a:

  • Messenger guide
  • Shadow animal guide
  • Journey animal guide
  • Life animal guide

Depending on how long an animal ally’s support is needed and in what way — through mirror or contrast — an animal inspiration may be considered to be any one of these four types of guides.

How do Animal Allies Show up?

During Reiki sessions, it’s not unusual for me to call in a guide for clients. This is especially true when we are navigating self-limiting and outdated thought patterns and beliefs. I might start with feeling out, does the kind of guidance needed feel like plant, mineral, or animal? Other times, I might just ask for an animal specifically. If animal medicine is what’s most helpful, an animal ally will arrive. It never ceases to amaze how eloquently they embody and mirror what is needed!

Some folks find their animal inspiration simply shows up, and keeps coming up. Perhaps you keep seeing red-tailed hawks, or people keep mentioning them to and around you. You finally think, “Hm! What is it about red-tailed hawks??” Then you might go online and find an article like this on Red-Tailed Hawk Alliance.

Lady Bug Power Animal

Learn about Your Animal Spirit Guide

When an animal guide shows up, the medicine they offer is their way of being. Our job is to listen, to watch, to study, to embody their medicine. What do you notice about this animal’s physical nature? Emotional nature? Social behavior? Think about it like a scientific study. Here’s a sample of questions Home Science Tools suggests when exploring lady bug, for example:

  • Where did you find the most ladybugs? Were they on leaves, on tree bark, in the grass, on flowers, or somewhere else?
  • Were they in groups or by themselves?
  • Based on where you found your ladybugs, what kind of home do you think a ladybug would like? Describe it or draw a picture of it.
  • Did you see any ladybugs eating? What were they eating?
  • What can ladybugs do to protect themselves? Do they have places to hide?
  • Do ladybugs have wings? Can they fly? How far do you think they can fly?
  • Do all of your ladybugs have the same number of spots? What do you think their spots are for?
  • What color are your ladybugs? Why is that a good color for them?
  • How many legs do they have? Do you notice anything special about their legs?
  • What do their heads look like? Do they have eyes? Do they have antennae?

In addition to reading about the animal’s physical nature, I’ll also often google, “[name of animal] animal totem” to get a good list of impressions and current appreciation of an animal’s medicine. This is not to say that someone else’s experience is ‘right,’ or even the right interpretation for you. So, rather than thinking of this information gathering process as ‘truth’ gathering, I invite you to think of it as an exploration of ways of being. What resonates for you? What in what you’ve discovered feels supportive, inspiring and opening to you? Go with it! All the other stuff? Don’t worry about it!

Reflect on Your Animal Ally

After information gathering, you might imagine shape-shifting into your animal. For example, were you working with ladybug, what would it feel like to shrink down, feel all these new legs, your antennae, hard shell, to flap your wings, etc? Notice what doing so changes about your breathing, your posture, emotions, and thoughts. Remember, what you’re exploring is a new way of being; so have fun with it! See what it’s like to break out of old habits and try something different, even if only for five or ten minutes. Once you get a baseline for how you might feel differently incorporating this ally’s medicine; then you might recall that experience in different situations. For example, how might you respond differently at work if you were living lady bug medicine? What about at home? etc.

It can help to keep pictures around of your animal spirit guide to remind you of its medicine and your intention to expand your experience. It’s easy to get wallpaper for your smartphone lock screen or for your desktop that features your animal. You can also print some images out to put around your home or office. Every time you see your ally, you reinforce your connection to the medicine.

Thank your Animal

As with anything or anyone, it benefits all to share appreciation. This might look like donating time or energy towards a cause working to protect or support your animal ally. Googling “[name of animal] conservation” should give you some great starting points for this. You might also consider offering a personal, heart-felt thank you at the end of meditations with your animal, or before bed; wishing all beings be well, all beings be happy.

Breathing Techniques for Stress Reduction
Energy Work, Reiki, Self-Care

Breathing Techniques for Stress Reduction and Energy Work

“Breathing is massively practical,” says Belisa Vranich, a psychologist and author of the book ‘Breathe,’ …It’s meditation for people who can’t meditate.” –Source: NYTimes.com

Breathing Techniques for Stress Reduction[wproto_divider style=”gap”]What I’m Reading: Breathing Techniques for Stress Reduction

NYT article, “Breathe. Exhale. Repeat: The Benefits of Controlled Breathing

Author’s Key Points

Breath: An Essential of Energy Work

Did you know controlled breathing is also an important part of energy work? In qi gong, breath is considered the second of three essentials to energy work practice. As far back as 168 BCE the Chinese had already been documenting breathing techniques for health (see: 卻穀食氣, Que Gu Shi Qi). Of course, it’s not just breathing for breathing’s sake that makes the practice essential. It’s about integrating the body-mind-spirit through breath, intention and movement/posture. I love this quote from a pupil’s Qi Gong Master on the subject, “movement without breath integration has limited health benefits and practice without mind is a waste of time.”

Energy Work Breathing Techniques

Countless ‘schools’ of energy work also employ mindful breathing techniques to facilitate the shift into altered states of consciousness. Coupled with intention, the breath can also direct different energies into the body (such as Heavenly energy, Earth energy, or the Rays, etc). In Reiki, we regularly use the breath to move Reiki energy through more powerfully. We can blow Reiki symbols into the auric bodies and/or chakras; and/or we can channel Reiki through the breath when we ‘beam’ Reiki into the aura. If you’re interested in exploring the world of energy work and breathing techniques, here are some starting places for you:

Set Your Compass, then Breathe

You can learn to breathe and to breathe mindfully; but to what end? Without a compass setting for your practice, meaningful progress won’t be far in my experience. This is where studying with a teacher or within a system can be helpful if not essential. This is also why I like to teach energy work as a hybrid course with Reiki. In my opinion, it is not enough to know we can effect change with intention and practice. We also need to know why we want to do so. What are we hoping to co-create in this world through our words, actions, and exchanges? It’s this rectification of paradigm, I believe, that facilitates the necessary internal shift(s) that move us towards a more meaningful and peace-filled life.

Why and when do you breathe mindfully?

Has mindful breathing helped you in your life? How? I’d love to hear about it the comments. (PS there’s an excellent version of the Mindfulness of Breathing practice on the Insight Timer for anyone with that iPhone/iPad app, “Anapanasati Breathing Meditation,” by the Samahita Thera Forest Sangha.)

treating plantar fasciosis with acupuncture
Acupuncture, Energy Work, Reiki

Treating Plantar Fasciosis with Physical Medicine, Acupuncture, and Energy Work

Plantar Fasciosis: The New ‘Plantar Fasciitis’

Perhaps you’ve heard of plantar fasciitis? Well, doctors have found that it’s not always inflammation (i.e. “-itis”) that causes this heel pain. Overuse and degeneration can lead to poor circulation and tissue death of the plantar fascia. For this reason, the condition is now mostly referred to as “plantar fasciosis.” Here’s what natural sports podiatrist Dr. Ray McClanahan has to say on the subject:

Physical Medicine for Plantar Fasciosis

Proper Foot Positioning

Correct Toes (see: adjacent image) are the product mentioned in Dr. McClanahan’s video. I purchased a pair quite a while ago to try for correct toe positioning (not for plantar fasciosis) and I love wearing mine; however I do have to say I have a hard time finding shoes wide enough to accommodate them in the toe box. They’re made of silicone and are overall quite comfortable. They are, however, silly expensive. I’ve seen some similar products on Amazon. If anyone tries another brand and likes them, let us know in the comments please!

Metatarsal SupportMetatarsal Pad for Plantar Fasciosis

As Dr. McClanahan also mentions, metatarsal pads might be helpful in increasing circulation to the area. I’ve had these (see: adjacent image) in my shoes for the last two years and haven’t had to replace mine yet. I stuck them right onto a pair of Superfeet insoles, that way I can switch them out into any shoe I use (rain shoes, walking shoes, etc) without having to purchase multiple pairs. It’s important to remember that if you wear slippers, you’ll want keep these in there too. (No cheating!)

Acupuncture for Relieving Plantar Fasciosis

treating plantar fasciosis with acupunctureYou might remember my piece on acupuncture and moxibustion for treating heel pain. The acupuncture group achieved an effective rate of 97%, higher than the drug group which came in at 76%. Acupuncturist for the 1984 Olympic Games athletes, Whitfield Reaves, suggests most uncomplicated cases show improvement with a treatment plan of twice a week for three weeks.

Energy Work for Treating Heel Pain

“Are you serving as the ‘shock absorber’ for others?”

Holistic nurse, Maureen Minnehan, says it quite well when she writes:

“The emotional component of [plantar fasciosis/fasciitis] can be reflected in the statement ‘I don’t dare!’ …They have a huge fear of what might happen if they ‘let go and let fly’ with themselves. Also, they feel frustrated, conflicted, and irritated about what’s happening in their lives. So they sit and seethe. …If you are the ‘shock absorber’ and feel angry or ‘inflamed’ about it, this thought pattern, repeated often, can inflame the plantar fascia to ensure you ‘get the message’ through your body. If you have plantar fasciitis, chances are you’re not able to exercise until the inflamed tissue heals. This [italics] makes [end italics] you take care of yourself.”

So how do you care for this pattern? Start with caring for the anger. I find Reiki quite helpful in creating a safe space to be with and listen to this important emotion’s message. What do you need that you haven’t been honoring?

Take up an affirmation practice

Root Chakra Affirmation Mala

Louise Hay recommends a statement like, “I move forward in life, with joy and with ease,” for any kind of foot problem. As an extension of the Root Chakra, you might also consider related affirmations to the expression of safety, security, and self-worth/belonging. Examples might include those listed in Liz Simpson’s book, The Book of Chakra Healing:

  • “I am taking responsibility for my life. I can cope with any situation.”
  • “My internal mother is always here for me, protecting, nourishing, and soothing me.”
  • “I deserve the best that life has to offer. My needs are always met.”

For any affirmation practice, it’s best to repeat the statement as often as possible, ideally no less than 324 times a day. This practice is enhanced by using a mirror while reciting, connecting with your inner child as you speak your new and improved truth.

Ground Daily

It can be helpful to remember you don’t just have to be the ‘shock absorber;’ you can be the lightning rod, grounding what’s coming at and through you into the Earth. Fellow Reiki practitioner Katalin Koda has some great techniques described in her article, “The Grounding Cord Exercise and 8 Other Ways to Ground and Center.”

Need help?

If you’re in the Seattle area, come on in for a full assessment with Melissa. She’ll look at your complete picture and recommend the best appropriate treatment. Melissa also conducts distance Reiki for anyone seeking energy-work support outside the Seattle area. For those unable to afford one-on-one treatments, community acupuncture clinics offer an affordable treatment option in a group setting (often $15-40/treatment). To find a clinic near you, search by state on POCA’s site.

Energy Work, Self-Care

Ho’oponopono: A Healing Practice of Forgiveness and Love


Ho’oponopono: ‘To Put to Rights’

This past month I came across a healing technique called, “Ho’oponopono.” The Hawaiian Dictionary by Pukui and Elbert (University of Hawaii Press, 1986) defines Ho’oponopono as:

“(a) To put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat, administer, superintend, supervise, manage, edit, work carefully and neatly; to make ready, as canoemen preparing to catch a wave. …(b) mental cleansing: family conferences in which relationship were set right (ho’oponopono) through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution and forgiveness.” (p341)

To be honest, I am not sure what today’s practice of Ho’oponopono looks like within Hawaiian families; but I can say it’s taken on a whole other life in energy work circles. Huna (Hawaiian energy work) practitioner and teacher, Serge Kahili King, mentions two key players (Hawaiian healer Morrnah Simeona and Dr.Ihaleakala Hew Len) as having developed this system into an individual practice (i.e. not requiring a group effort) in which one “express[es] forgiveness for something on behalf of someone else” and even extending “one’s identity to include anything or anyone else who needs healing.”

How do I practice it?

Currently, you’ll find a lot information online citing Dr. Hew Len’s four-step process for practicing Ho’oponopono. Depending on the source, you likely will see two approaches to the order of statements made:

  1. I’m sorry
  2. Please forgive me
  3. Thank you
  4. I love you
  1. I love you
  2. I’m sorry
  3. Please forgive me
  4. Thank you


Some sources list a more detailed method, such as the one outlined on AncientHuna.com. Other folks have just repeated the words “I’m sorry,” and “I love you” over and over again. And others have simply directed the four statements to their Inner Child, asking for forgiveness of the ways in which they have forgotten they are whole. As I am not an instructor of this method, I encourage you to read up on it and make a choice for yourself about what feels true, and helpful.

Can self-healing help others?

There is a famous enough story of Dr. Hew Len who while working at Hawaii State Hospital helped to heal those in the ward by working on himself– repeating the words “I’m sorry,” “I love you” over and over again. Dr. Joe Vitale quotes Len as saying, “I was simply healing the part of me that created them.” If you subscribe to a co-creative learning paradigm, wherein we are all expressions of the whole; it naturally follows that by working on ourselves, we affect the greater field. Making changes ‘within’ ourselves inevitably affects the world ‘outside’ of ourselves. You could also go down the rabbit hole with this one, looking more closely at why we see what we see in the world – why we meet the people we do, experience what we do. I believe this is really what Dr. Hew Len was referring to when he took ‘full responsibility’ for everything he was encountering in life (in this example, mentally ill persons at the hospital).

Is the story true?

While I am a big proponent of citing facts, I also appreciate proof in the pudding more. So, I want to add here that I have read folks tried to contact the hospital to verify the story and did not get very far (there are multiple branches of the hospital, and he could have worked as a chaplain or volunteer in which case he would not have been considered an employee). I think it’s fair to say we don’t wholly know.

If not, could the technique still be helpful?

Even if the story proves not to be true, there are still countless firsthand accounts of people creating great healing in their life through using this method. It can be a powerful method of relieving the Inner Child of guilt and re-establishing a loving connection to both the Inner Child (i.e. Low Self, Subconscious) and High Self (i.e. Supraconscious).

Proof is in the pudding

Have you already been using this technique? How has it impacted your life? Leave us a note in the comments!


For more information on the system, you can read:

What is Huna? Basic Huna / Ho’oponopono: “We carry inside us as parts of the Unconscious Mind, all the significant people in our lives. (These parts of us often look very much like Carl Jung’s archetypes.) Ho’oponopono makes it “all right” with them. The process of Ho’oponopono is to align with and clean up our genealogy as well as to clean up our relationships with other people in our lives.”

Ho’oponopono / Traditional Ways of Healing to Make Things Right (book): “This approach is not only holistic, it also targets the root causes for ‘sickness’ instead of just its symptoms or manifestations, such as being tired or having a cold.” (6)

Self Identity through Ho’oponopono: “As with all the cleaning tools given in the Hooponopono process, embedded in each of the tools is taking responsibility for the problem, saying I’m sorry, please forgive me and allowing LOVE to transmute the problem.”

Interview with Ihaleakala Hew Len: “I made a deal with myself ten years ago that I would treat myself to a hot fudge sundae—so huge it would make me sick—if I could get through the day without having some judgment of someone.”

I also have really enjoyed this audio track accompanied by binaural beats (use headphones when listening):

Creating-Money: Attracting Abundance
Book Review, Energy Work, Self-Care

Book Review: “Creating Money, Attracting Abundance”

“To the spirit of abundance
that is in each of you.
May you recognize your greatness,
discover your path,
and make the contribution you came to make.”
–Orin and DaBen

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

What a most excellent book!– That’s why I’m having folks read it this January for the 30-Day Abundance Intensive! This one comes from Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, channelers of Orin and DaBen. The copy I have is 247 pages, full of instruction, affirmations, reflection points, and play exercises. The dedication at the beginning pretty much sums it all up: This book isn’t about ‘getting rich,’ it’s about discovering your path– finding what you have to offer this world, and welcoming support on all levels to meet that mission.

What makes it so great?

It’s based on the Law of Attraction.

“You can effectively draw things to you whether or not you know the specific form, amount, or appearance of the items you want.” p28

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance is an easy introduction into working with the Law of Attraction. (You might have heard of “The Secret”? That’s another illustration of how to work with the Law of Attraction.) The Law of Attraction states “that which is like unto itself is drawn,” and suggests that our thoughts and emotions formulate the vibration to which all resonant things respond. In other words, ‘I draw to my experience that which resonates with my thoughts and emotions.’

It doesn’t confuse quantity with quality.

“View money and things not as something to create to fill a lack, but as tools to help you more fully express yourself and realize your potential.” pp18-19

Every word you speak and every thought you think is an affirmation for your future//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js
I often hear people criticize the Law of Attraction because of their introduction to it through other means, claiming the idea of “attracting abundance” is materialistic. Orin and DaBen make it clear that working with the Law of Attraction isn’t about getting more of something [physical]–whether that’s money, a car, house or whatever. The process is about self-expression, realization, and ultimately about serving humanity through our being and sharing what we love.

It’s very hands-on, completely manageable.

The exercises provided in the book are straightforward and imaginative, helpful for both more right-brained and left-brained folks. Each chapter ends with either a multi-part playsheet prompting reflection and imagination or exercise. Playsheets address everything from “Coming Out of Survival,” and “Discovering Your Life’s Work,” to “Clarity and Harmony,” for example.  Meanwhile exercises help you learn to relax, focus, visualize, magnetize, and energize what you are welcoming into your life. There’s no major leap of faith required — it’s just a sure and steady effort welcomed towards shifting your vibration and intention onto what really matters: Your heart’s calling.

Want support?

Come join us — let’s support each other through this process of letting go of what no longer serves us! This January, we’ll do a 30-day intensive, taking the bull by the horns! I know you deserve the very best in life. Are you ready to accept nothing less? Declare it so!

To enroll, register online. Deposits are due Dec. 19th.

Energy Work, Self-Care

Self-Care Techniques to Treat Root Chakra Imbalance

Treat Root Chakra Imbalance with self-care techniques intended to help you feel grounded, safe, accepted, and stable.

Article on Root Chakra Imbalance

Self-Care Techniques to Treat Root Chakra Imbalance

Author’s Key Points

  • Root chakra concerns may present as concerns about:
    • acceptance
    • belonging
    • law and order
    • rootedness
    • survival (fight/flight/freeze/fawn patterns)
    • will to live
  • How to know if your chakra is imploding, exploding or unchecked by the Heart or Crown
  • Affirmations to address root chakra imbalance
  • Foods, gemstones, and sound healing for root chakra imbalance
  • Reflection points as you start to explore this energy center’s wellbeing

Where to go to explore further?

Rosalyn Bruyere in her book, Wheels of Light, goes into the Root chakra quite extensively, addressing kundalini energy, traditional aspects of the chakra from astrology to animals and dual male/female aspects of the energy center, all the way to initiation in different cultures as related to the Root chakra. For hands-on practice, I recommend a class in energy work or working with a Reiki practitioner or other energy healer.

Aging: Will yourself younger
Energy Work, Reiki

Redefining Aging: Can we will ourselves to feel younger?

Redefining aging: Can we will ourselves to feel younger?

Is aging just a state of mind?

I really enjoyed this article, What if Age Is Nothing but a Mind-Set?, published on NYTimes.com. The piece focuses on the studies of psychologist Ellen Langer in which she investigates the effect of recall and perception on various ailments (including old age, cancer, colds, diabetes, weight loss and eyesight). Spoiler alert: Majorly awesome things happen in our physical being when we change our perception of it. The author cites Langer in saying, “If people could learn to be mindful and always perceive the choices available to them…, they would fulfill their potential and improve their health.” That’s definitely what energy workers would say!

Perception is based on conditioning

In energy work we’d say our thoughts can shape our emotions, and our emotions can shape our physical state of vitality or dis-ease. (See: Langer’s studies for great examples.) What I find so fascinating is that our beliefs about ourselves aren’t the only things that can influence our wellbeing; our belief about things outside of ourselves can also impact how we are affected by them. At first this might not seem so novel; but when you really think about it, it’s kind of mind-blowing. How many ways do we let our belief about what’s ‘really going on’ directly impact our perception of what’s going on?

Will can be as strong as medication

study that came out last month on antidepressants indicates “[p]eople’s expectations about how effective their antidepressant medication is going to be almost entirely predicts their response to it, such that giving patients a placebo pill [i.e. inactive substance] as active therapy during an 8-week period results in very similar reductions in symptoms….” The NYTimes.com article goes on to write, “Placebo effects have already been proven to work on the immune system. But [Langer’s] study could show for the first time that they work in a different way — that is, through an act of will.”

Willing to grow young thru thought and recall

Italian neuroscientist, Fabrizio Benedetti, suggests it may be possible that “the placebo responses in the immune system are attributable to unconscious classical conditioning.” If that’s true, there’s hope for us yet! There are countless therapies available to assist in changing your conditioning and to reassert healing. Top contenders that come to mind for me include meditation, affirmations, Reiki, counseling (if you’re interested more in application than discussion, look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and hypnotherapy.

Your practice

Want to challenge your definition of aging? Consider reading the writing of author Ellen Wood. Through her personal experience reversing the clock on aging through affirmations and the Law of Attraction, she encourages others to do the same with books titled “Growing Younger with the Law of Attraction” and “Think and Grow Young: Powerful Steps to Create a Life of Joy.” She also has a blog, Talk Back with Ellen Wood. I met Ellen while I was living in Taos, NM – and I can tell you her enthusiasm is contagious!

