Animal communicators on eating meat
Energy Work, Self-Care

Eating Meat Dos and Don’ts: Animal Communicators Respond

Animal communicators on eating meat

Photo by Benjamin Faust

Views on eating meat

As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I have been told many, many times by my teachers and colleagues to personally eat meat; and I’ve been told that eating meat is the only healthy lifestyle. (Full disclosure: I cut out red meat when I was 17, fish when I was 22 and white meat when I was 25. So, it’s been awhile that I’ve been ‘breaking the rules’!) It’s a topic that I take great interest in, and research. Like most things, I try to be as open-minded as possible, listening for what’s needed on an individual and timely basis. I do not suggest that all my patients eat meat or not eat meat.

That all said, there may be a number of you that sit with the same question I do: Is it healthier or not to eat some meat? Is it tenable to be vegetarian or vegan with leaky gut, autoimmune or other health concerns? I know these are very uncomfortable questions; and that they are not always met with tenderness and curiosity. Sometimes, reading about these topics can be more helpful than talking it out online or with friends. There is certainly enough material on the subject out there on health-related topics. So, I won’t go into all of that. Personally, I was/am much more interested in what animal communicators have to say on the subject.

What do animal communicators think about eating meat?

35+ animal communicators share their experience

In this excellent article, “VEGETARIAN OR OMNIVORE? This is the Question” you’ll get a very good sense of the broad opinions within the field. It doesn’t spoil anything to say, there is no clear cut answer, no hard shoulds among able to communicate with animals. That said, by and large there seem to be some movements towards the thoughts:

  • animals understand [and are at peace with the fact that] we’re all animals eating each other in this world (and we ought to as well)
  • we’re *all* One-Consciousness — plant, animal, etc; so it’s not about who eats whom, but what love and respect we share for one another
  • it’s not the eating of animals that is problematic, but the treatment of them while they are alive
  • vegetarianism/veganism is the [human] inevitable movement towards higher consciousness

What do animals say about eating meat?//
[perfectpullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”lightgrey” class=”” size=”30″]”Some really appreciate being able to nourish others with their bodies, …”[/perfectpullquote]

What do animals say about eating meat?

I especially appreciated this article by animal communicator Nancy Windheart, “Vegetarian or Omnivore?” in which she reports back on what animals have to say on the subject. For some reason this line hit me quite hard: “Some really appreciate being able to nourish others with their bodies, and know that they can return after their deaths to another type of body and life experience if they choose.” It brings up big questions for me around what I am willing to accept and take in, aware of the expense to others.

A request: Release judgment, invite curiosity

I hope it can be recognized that everything we do, we do in service of our values. While our needs are universal, different ones can surface as more immediately important to us than others. No matter what someone chooses to ingest, may we recognize they do so for a reason that is meaningful to them. May we choose to learn about and respect those values, as well as our own. May we also be curious and learn to be discriminating in the strategies we choose for living out those values.

A personal request

If you do eat meat, do you say a prayer/bless the food beforehand? Would you be willing to share your blessing here in the comments for others? Thank you for considering!

Animal Communication: What if we could talk to animals?
Energy Work, Uncategorized

What if you could talk to animals?

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What if you could talk to animals?

This subject has been coming up a lot in my conversations with people lately, so I thought I would post some thought-provoking content and links to resources for folks.

“We can!”

The first thing that came to mind when my nephew said to me in passing that he wished people could talk to animals was, “But we can!” Of course, he was thinking he would use these important skills to let his dog know that the smell of his farts are unbearable. [Awkward pause.] Nonetheless, I like to think his sentiment was still genuine in simply wanting to connect with the beings in one’s life. 🙂 With that in mind, I was elated to introduce him to an abbreviated video that had been making the rounds (to see the full-length video on Anna’s great work, see: Animal Communication):

Communication: More than words

I think it’s important to stretch our minds and question what we think we know is certain. The truth is, we only know what we know, and that’s very little in light of all possibility. Obviously, words communicate most clearly for us humans; but there’s still a lot that can be communicated beyond words, like when a friend gives us that look of appreciation and love, or when a dog’s loved one comes home after being away for 6 months:

Most animal communicators explain their ability as “telepathy.” Telepathy is simply the communication of ideas transcendent to words. If you’ve been reading this blog, you might have learned extrasensory perception can come through various means, such as clairvoyance or clairsentience. Regardless of the means, this telepathic experience is simply the connection to what is alive — communicating by way of the web of life which is common and shared among all beings, animal or other.

Ways to learn

There are a number of folks offering educational opportunities in interspecies communication:

Your practice

Consider simply inviting the question, “If the animals I(‘ve) encounter(ed) in my life have thoughts and emotions, what would I (have) consider(ed) important to communicate to them or to learn from them?”
